Nikhilalalalala's Project Portfolio Page
Project Eva: Eva is a desktop HR management application built in the java language. The user interacts with it using a CLI, and it has a GUI created with JavaFX.
Eva was developed in semester 1 of AY20/21 as a team project in the NUS SOC module CS2103T Software Engineering. Together with my team, we morphed the exiting java application Address Book (Level 3) over a period of 7 weeks to what Eva is today.
Given below are my contributions to the project.
New Features:
- Adding a staff and applicant record
- What it does: Allows user to add the record of a staff and applicant with the compulsory fields of Name, Email, Phone, Address.
- Justification: This feature forms the foundation of our HR application as we need to store records that the user adds.
- Highlights: For the applicant records, user can delay the input of Interview Date, so they can set an Interview date while adding an applicant or add that detail in later with the edit command.
- Deleting an applicant record
- What it does: Allows the user to delete a specific record of a staff based on the index provided.
- Justification: This record allows HR managers to remove specific records so that they can keep the database relevant without having outdated entries.
- Setting the application status of the applicant
- What it does: When adding an applicant, the status of the application is first set to received but in an actual scenario, there are many stages to an application, so this command helps user change the status of application in their records.
- Justification: This helps user track the status of various applicants.
Code contributed: RepoSense Link
Project management:
- Managed release for v1.2.1 (draft)
Enhancements to existing features:
- User Guide
- Adapt the clear command to clear staff and applicants separately
- Adapt certain section of the codebase to Eva’s name
- User Guide
- Added documentation for commands:
,clear s-
andclear a-
commands - Also explained each constraints of inputs for all fields(name, email, phone number, address, date, tag)
- Added overview on flow of UG to help users understand the arrangement of different sections
- Added documentation for commands:
- Developer’s Guide
- Write about Use Cases 1, 9, 10, 12.
- Draw the class diagram to show overview of staff and applicants and explain overview of staff and applicants.
- Write about manual testing for adding a staff.